If you’ve done any networking at all, you know when a connection has gone sideways. Whether it’s a lack of connection or understanding, bad chemistry, or even just bad manners, there [...]
The RECON Network Joins Military Women’s Collective on Linkedin LIVE On Wednesday, Feb. 22, RECON CEO Jordana Megonigal joined Marina Rabinek, the founder of the Military Women’s [...]
If you’re looking to make a career transition or start a job search, it can be difficult to know where to start, especially if you’re new to the process. You’re not alone—many [...]
In 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs released the numbers from its 2012 Suicide Data Report, which stated that 22 veterans a day committed suicide. It was an extraordinary number—and a [...]
Change is inevitable—especially in a post-military transition—but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult. In fact, learning how to embrace change (or “the suck,” as it were) can not [...]
When we were children, we were taught how to read or write, or do hard math. But most of us weren’t taught how to be happy. As we grew up, we learned algebra and how to date and how to fill [...]
Avoiding networking events can be tempting, especially if you aren’t sure how to approach people or what to say once you start the conversation. What’s more—many veterans have challenges in [...]
Whether you think about them or not, you have personal values. We all do. They influence us in big ways and small—from the clothes we wear, to the things we do and say, to the way we treat [...]
***This post was originally published on 17 December 2019 on Medium.com and is used with permission of the author.*** Are you the type of person who hates letting others down? Is it easier for [...]
The RECON Network, a South Carolina-based company focused on purposeful veteran transition and employment, and Imperative, a peer coaching platform that uses the power of peers to support each [...]