This post has to be one of the most fun ones I get to write, because we have some HUGE news that we want to share.
A week or so from today….after a year of hard work and planning and talking with veterans, military spouses, and industry experts about a ton of different subjects….we will launch RECON: Global, making the RECON program available online—for anyone….located anywhere…at any time.
This is a big deal, but not just because we like making big announcements. It’s a big deal because with the launch of RECON: Global we can better implement our vision of helping each and every veteran (and milspouse!) find their purpose, and find a fulfilling and rewarding career that fits that purpose.
It’s been a long, hard road, and one we are excited to be on, along with partners like ScanSource and Wells Fargo, who have helped us get this project off the ground.
If you’re not signed up for updates and want to know as soon as it launches, go ahead and sign up now. Or, watch our social pages on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for announcements there.
Thanks for being part of the RECON family.